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2024-04-22 07:11:39

Bei uns im Haushalt gibt es jetzt eine neue #outdoor Jacke
2024-04-22 04:43:58

Mit Flüssen etwas kühlen, da war doch was bei "AtomStrom" oder?
Jetzt kühlen wir die Flüsse und manche Fischarten sind dankbar darüber wie der Huchen, der Donaulachs, der kaltes Wasser zum Laichen braucht.
Gleichzeitig erzeugen wir mit Großwärmepumpen Wärme für die Haushalte und Firmen.
2024-04-20 10:00:06

Today: rain, snow, wind - or a mix of any of them. I guess I'll go for a walk later and be prepared for everything.
Not hiking today but doing household and photography stuff. Including selecting a photo to be printed for our bedroom
2024-04-13 07:58:50

«Rooting out bias in appraisals can help narrow the racial wealth gap. According to a recent study, eliminating racial disparities in the amount of wealth families gain from owning a home would narrow the wealth gap by 16% between Black and white households and by 41% between Latino and white households.»
2024-04-09 14:18:54

A 24MW heat pump is now going online for 🇩🇪 Stuttgart's district heating system. Look at the size: for a unit with 5000 times the power of a domestic HP unit, it's pretty small, isn't it?
The heat source is the adjacent waste incineration plant.
2024-02-12 17:43:46

Bahntrassen-Streit in OWL: Heftige Kritik am Investitionsstau
Hat die Haushaltskrise des Bundes direkte Auswirkungen auf die Ertüchtigung der Bahntrasse zwischen Bielefeld und Hannover? Dazu gibt es eine heiße Debatte.
2024-03-14 02:45:23

If you're going to run an e-bike rebate program, it's probably important to pick a goal that you want to hit with it, because what your goal is should drive how the rebate program is designed.
Is your goal to provide economic benefit to low income households? Is it to reduce vehicle miles traveled (my recommendation)? Is it to get more bikes on the road and build a mass movement? (rebates probably not the right tool)
2024-04-23 07:22:45

The PEPSI Exoplanet Transit Survey (PETS). V: New Na D transmission spectra indicate a quieter atmosphere on HD 189733b
E. Keles, S. Czesla, K. Poppenhaeger, P. Hauschildt, T. A. Carroll, I. Ilyin, M. Baratella, M. Steffen, K. G. Strassmeier, A. S. Bonomo, B. S. Gaudi, T. Henning, M. C. Johnson, K. Molaverdikhani, V. Nascimbeni, J. Patience, A. Reiners, G. Scandariato, E. Schlawin, E. Shkolnik, D. Sicilia, A. Sozzetti, M. Mallonn, C. Veillet, J. Wang, F. Yan
2024-02-06 11:05:49

The FCC plans to stop accepting new enrollments for a US government broadband subsidy, used by 23M households, which is set to run out of funding in months (David Shepardson/Reuters)
2024-03-01 08:48:51

Device-level metering and energy contracts allow consumers to run specific loads, such as hot water tanks, heat pumps and EVs, in a grid-responsive way: reducing their energy bills without having to worry about their other electricity use.
It's discussed in RAP's report on demand-side flexibility: